In February 2023, a Canadian company proposed exploring for nickel in a 30 square mile area in Hope, Warren and Union, Maine. I volunteered to document “what is here now” for Citizens Against Residential Mining (CARMA) as the towns were seeking to enact stricter laws for mineral mining in residential areas. The towns have now enacted ordinances restricting mineral mining.
Flower stand on Route 17, the major road through the area
Dock on Crawford Pond. There is a property with a mineral lease at the south end of the pond.
The 30 square miles is within the 225 square mile St George River watershed.
Alfred Lake covers 577 acres
Route 131- a winding road through residential areas and farms
View to Alfred Lake from Brodis blueberry farm
I published a zine with photos and maps for CARMA to use in lobbying for mining restrictions. Copies available.